Employers in the hospitality industry
The explosive growth of tourism over the past years has resulted in the establishment and launching of tens of thousands of new hotels and other hospitality-related businesses. Although the quality and skillset of professionals in the industry has followed an equivalently upward path, in absolute terms it is hard to match the sheer number of vacant positions created. As such, the identification and hiring of suitable, trustworthy personnel has been rendered harder than ever.
Precisely for that reason, at bluedot careers we work strenuously with strict deadlines and cutting-edge standards and we pride ourselves in having managed to develop the largest network of professionals in the field, with more than 100.000 qualified candidates that cover the whole spectrum of hospitality-related professions. We are therefore in the position to guarantee finding suitable, trusted professionals who can be available on short notice and staff any permanent, seasonal or contractual vacancy that may arise.
How it works
Our process, in three simple steps
Share your staffing needs with us
We take detailed note of the attributes of the candidates you intend to hire for your vacant positions as well as the characteristics, style and needs of your business as a whole. Based on these specifications, our dedicated recruiters commence a strictly confidential search by proactively utilising our existing database as well as by mobilising our vast network.
Locate suitable
We identify the most appropriate candidates that are immediately available, are interested in the roles in question and conform with any further requirements that have been set. After confirming their suitability by contacting at least two recent previous employers, the candidates’ profiles are presented for your perusal as well as for any further clarifications or interviews.
We get paid only in case of successful placement
Our services that relate to the identification and presentation of suitable, readily available profiles bear no cost and are risk-free since we get paid only in case of successful placement of candidates. Provisions are also made for the immediate replacement of a candidate in case his or her employment is for any reason terminated prematurely.